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1000 great quotes for business, management and training: Quality


Management development providers GNP publish a monthly set of handy quotable quotes for use in presentations, speeches or training sessions. Arranged into 100 themes including vision, change, leadership, teamwork, communication, motivation and innovation. TrainingZONE has arranged to bring you the quotes on a regular basis. This month, the theme is quality.

'It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.'
Somerset Maugham, British author, dramatist (1874-1965)

'Find the qualities in your people and you'll find the quality in your company.'
Sir Simon Hornby, British businessman

'How long does it take you, as a boss, to achieve world class quality? Less than a nanosecond to attain it, a lifetime of passionate pursuit to maintain it.'
Tom Peters, US management author, presenter (b.1942)

'Quality is free.'
Philip Crosby, US consultant, author (b.1926)

'With ISO 9000 you can still have terrible processes and products. You can certify a manufacturer that makes life jackets from concrete, as long as those jackets are made according to the documented procedures and the company provides the next of kin with instructions on how to complain about defects.'
Richard Beutow, US executive, Motorola

'Don't confuse consistency with quality. The customer decides what quality is by their own standards.'
Geoff Burch, British management author, presenter (b.1951)

'Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.'
Oscar Wilde, Irish dramatist, poet (1854-1900)

'It's a very sobering feeling to be up in space and realise that one's safety factor was determined by the lowest bidder on a government contract.'
Alan Shephard, US astronaut (b.1923)

'Quality control starts and ends with training.
Kaoru Ishikawa, Japanese quality guru, author (b.1915)

'The CEO of a small company decided they needed a motto to commemorate their longevity in the industry. This is what he came up with: "Our innovation makes us first - our quality makes us last."'
Scott Adams, US cartoonist, author (b.1957)

Previous quotes from the archive

November quotes: problems

October quotes: presentation

September quotes: predictions

August quotes: power

July quotes: possibility

June quotes: planning

May quotes: passion

April quotes: paperwork

March quotes: pace

February quotes: opportunity

January quotes: motivation

December quotes: mistakes

November quotes: meetings

October quotes: media

September quotes: listening

August quotes: learning

July quotes: leadership

June quotes: knowledge

May quotes: integrity

April quotes: innovation

March quotes: individuality

February quotes: imagination

January quotes: images

December quotes: ideas

November quotes: habit

October quotes: genius

September quotes: future

August quotes: fun

July quotes: focus

June quotes: failure

May quotes: facts

All quotations drawn from '1000 GREAT QUOTATIONS for Business, Management & Training' published by GNP Ltd.