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10 Questions: Mike Holmes


Each week TrainingZONE features a questionnaire completed by one of our members. This week it's the turn of Mike Holmes, Training Manager for Hampshire Ambulance Trust.

Name: Mike Holmes.

Position: Hampshire Ambulance Training Manager.

How did you get to your current role? I was recruited! I spent many years in HM forces and training roles before this job.

What are the best and worst aspects of your role? Giving people the training they need to develop, and not having the staff to do more.

What is your most over-used phrase? Funding available.

What is your most hated buzzword? I don't have one at the moment.

What is the best lesson you have learnt? Never assume anything!

What has been your best career moment so far? Finishing the second year of my masters degree.

What has been your worst training moment? Organising training and then they all pulled out on the morning of the course.

What will be the next big thing for training? More e-learning via intranet, and in my own case NVQ training.

If you would like to complete a member questionnaire email the editor Claire Savage at