Management development providers GNP publish a monthly set of handy ‘quotable quotes’ for anyone to use in presentations, speeches or training sessions. Arranged into 100 ‘themes’ including vision, change, leadership, teamwork, communication, motivation and innovation. TrainingZONE has arranged to bring you the quotes on a regular basis. This month, the theme is “power”.
“Being in power is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.”
Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister (b.1925)
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
Abraham Lincoln, US President (1809-1865)
“It’s not a question of how much power you can hoard for yourself, but how much you can give away.”
Benjamin Zander, British conductor, management presenter (b.1939)
“He who has great power should use it lightly.”
Seneca, Roman philosopher, statesman, author (3 BC-65 AD)
“Never underestimate the power of the powerless.”
David Williams, British management presenter, author (b.1950)
“Powerlessness is a state of mind. If you think you are powerless, you are.”
Tom Peters, US management presenter, author (b.1942)
“I assure you, I had rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent, than in the extent of my power and dominion.”
Alexander the Great, Macedonian ruler (356-323 BC)
“No emperor has the power to dictate to the heart.”
Johann Friedrich von Schiller, German dramatist, poet (1759-1805)
“Titles mean little in terms of real power, which is the capacity to influence and inspire.”
Colin Powell, US politician, military leader (b.1937)
And finally, Murphy says:
“After the game, the king and pawn go into the same box.”
Previous quotes from the archive
All quotations drawn from ‘1000 GREAT QUOTATIONS for Business, Management & Training’ published by GNP Ltd.
"Being in power is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't."
Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister (b.1925)
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
Abraham Lincoln, US President (1809-1865)
"It's not a question of how much power you can hoard for yourself, but how much you can give away."
Benjamin Zander, British conductor, management presenter (b.1939)
"He who has great power should use it lightly."
Seneca, Roman philosopher, statesman, author (3 BC-65 AD)
"Never underestimate the power of the powerless."
David Williams, British management presenter, author (b.1950)
"Powerlessness is a state of mind. If you think you are powerless, you are."
Tom Peters, US management presenter, author (b.1942)
"I assure you, I had rather excel others in the knowledge of what is excellent, than in the extent of my power and dominion."
Alexander the Great, Macedonian ruler (356-323 BC)
"No emperor has the power to dictate to the heart."
Johann Friedrich von Schiller, German dramatist, poet (1759-1805)
"Titles mean little in terms of real power, which is the capacity to influence and inspire."
Colin Powell, US politician, military leader (b.1937)
And finally, Murphy says:
"After the game, the king and pawn go into the same box."
Previous quotes from the archive
All quotations drawn from '1000 GREAT QUOTATIONS for Business, Management & Training' published by GNP Ltd.