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20 Questions for Change


Here are 20 questions to ask yourself about how you deal with change whether it is a change in your personal life or a business change brought about by a reorganisation, a new project, operational excellence or something else. If you can begin to answer these questions you will be able to better lead yourself and others through periods of change and uncertainty.

If you find these questions useful do forward them onto a friend or colleague and let me know.

20 questions for Dealing with Change in Life and Business

  1. When was the last time I went through a period of change like this?
  2. What is my typical reaction to change? 
  3. Am I most like Hem, Haw, Sniff or Scurry? (…if these names mean nothing it maybe time to read or re-read ‘Who moved my cheese?’ by Dr. Spencer Johnson)
  4. How long does it usually take me to ‘settle down’ after a change? – how long will I give myself this time
  5. What emotions am I familiar with in myself when I think about change ?
  6. What emotions have I seen in others?
  7. What exactly is changing for me at the moment?
  8. What will be different as a result of this change/these changes?
  9. What do I need to let go of?
  10. What are the opportunities for me in this change?
  11. What am I feeling about the changes I’m experiencing right now?
  12. What do I most need, now? – Who can I turn to for support?
  13. How can I support myself ? What do I do that I know keeps me strong in situations like this?
  14. How can I keep telling myself that it is normal to feel this way?
  15. How can I make this change fit with my values or sense of purpose?
  16. What is my ideal outcome from this change?
  17. What actions can I take now and later?
  18. What new skills or expertise can I develop?
  19. How will I begin to know that I’m moving through the change process?
  20. Can I visualise myself in 3 years time when this change has happened? – looking back, what one thing most helped me through the process?

Thanks Helen

Executive Coach and Consultant

Pelican Coaching & Development

Here are 20 questions to ask yourself about how you deal with change whether it is a change in your personal life or a business change brought about by a reorganisation, a new project, operational excellence or something else. If you can begin to answer these questions you will be able to better lead yourself and others through periods of change and uncertainty.

If you find these questions useful do forward them onto a friend or colleague and let me know.

20 questions for Dealing with Change in Life and Business

  1. When was the last time I went through a period of change like this?
  2. What is my typical reaction to change? 
  3. Am I most like Hem, Haw, Sniff or Scurry? (...if these names mean nothing it maybe time to read or re-read 'Who moved my cheese?' by Dr. Spencer Johnson)
  4. How long does it usually take me to 'settle down' after a change? - how long will I give myself this time
  5. What emotions am I familiar with in myself when I think about change ?
  6. What emotions have I seen in others?
  7. What exactly is changing for me at the moment?
  8. What will be different as a result of this change/these changes?
  9. What do I need to let go of?
  10. What are the opportunities for me in this change?
  11. What am I feeling about the changes I'm experiencing right now?
  12. What do I most need, now? - Who can I turn to for support?
  13. How can I support myself ? What do I do that I know keeps me strong in situations like this?
  14. How can I keep telling myself that it is normal to feel this way?
  15. How can I make this change fit with my values or sense of purpose?
  16. What is my ideal outcome from this change?
  17. What actions can I take now and later?
  18. What new skills or expertise can I develop?
  19. How will I begin to know that I'm moving through the change process?
  20. Can I visualise myself in 3 years time when this change has happened? - looking back, what one thing most helped me through the process?

Thanks Helen

Executive Coach and Consultant

Pelican Coaching & Development