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3 Weeks Flash training/consultancy Required


We are looking for a flash consultant to help assist our client with the development of a web site they are working on at present.
Working within the small project team currently in place the ideal candidate will be able to add their own ideas and suggestions to fulfil this need.
Potentially three weeks work, flexible datys and hours including weekends will be considered.
Craig Hyslop
Email: [email protected]

3 Responses

  1. Flash trainer/consultant to assist with exciting web project
    We are looking for a flash consultant to help assist our client with the development of a web site they are working on at present.
    Working within the small project team currently in place the ideal candidate will be able to add their own ideas and suggestions to fulfil this need.
    Potentially three weeks work, flexible datys and hours including weekends will be considered.

    Register interest with:

    Craig Hyslop
    [email protected]


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