I’m looking for recommendations for an online product or service, and I’m happy to receive recommendations from vendors, though you may need to send these ‘off line’ in order to avoid the charge of advertising here!
I’m looking to conduct a 360 degree assessment within an international organisation. I need to find an online system which will manage the process for me – present the assessment questions/statements to individuals, collect their responses, and then present results or at the very least deliver up the raw data for further analysis.
I already have the questions/statements to be used, so I need to be able to upload these to the system. I guess I’m looking for something like ‘surveymonkey.com’ but able to handle 360 degree ratings…
You can email me off-line on this at martin.schmalenbach@microchip.com
Thanks for your help.
Cheers Martin
As Martin has specifically said that he is happy to have approaches from vendors, then we will allow these kind of approaches in this particular case. Our general rules about not advertising yourself remain unchanged – this is an exception!
I'm looking for recommendations for an online product or service, and I'm happy to receive recommendations from vendors, though you may need to send these 'off line' in order to avoid the charge of advertising here!
I'm looking to conduct a 360 degree assessment within an international organisation. I need to find an online system which will manage the process for me - present the assessment questions/statements to individuals, collect their responses, and then present results or at the very least deliver up the raw data for further analysis.
I already have the questions/statements to be used, so I need to be able to upload these to the system. I guess I'm looking for something like 'surveymonkey.com' but able to handle 360 degree ratings...
You can email me off-line on this at martin.schmalenbach@microchip.com
Thanks for your help.
Cheers Martin
6 Responses
An update…
Thanks to those of you who contacted me off-line. It’s much appreciated.
I’d like to clarify something, partly so you don’t go wasting your time (and mine!)
I’m not looking for a system that already has a particular competency or behaviours framework within it.
I have my own set of behaviours/competences etc, that I need to install in to basically a blank system.
Neither am I looking for a system where I have to pay consultancy rates for somebody to install my framework in their system etc. I don’t have the budget for it.
Again, many thanks,
Online 360
Hi Martin
The ones that come to mind first would be the following:
Talent Innovations – http://www.talentinnovations.co.uk – the system is very flexible, and they are very pragmatic about entering your own competencies.
Carbon 360 – http://www.carbon360.co.uk – definitely your own competencies, although I’m not sure about whether they would charge consultancy rates for the configuration.
All the best
360 on line assessment
Martin, I am not familiar with Survey monkey – but Zoomerang.com does allow the 360 degree input that you are looking for. There is a free to use service (not sure what that gets you as we subscribe) – its easy to use and I think will do what you want it to.
Have a look at HRWorkbench.com
Hi Martin,
Take a look at HRWorkbench.com
They are able to do custom 360’s and other types of Survey.
I have used them alot in the past and they are very flexible and customer focused.
360 Degree Processing
Hi Martin
There really is only one company that can provide you with the flexibility and customisation you require. They also administer the Work Interests Schedule for Professor John Hunt that you mention.
I will contact you directly off line to give you more information
Kind regards
Stand-alone 360 software and dedicated website
There is a purpose-built software and website package that has been designed for consultants and small businesses. It provides a platform for you to design and administer your own, tailored questionnaires, and you can design your reports. I’ve been using the 20/20 Insight Gold software for ten years, and find it very easy to use.
Full details can be viewed at http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=986141. You buy direct from this company, and I see on the link that there is currently a special offer.