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360 Feedback


I need to produce a 360 feedback questionnaire as part of a management development programme. We don't have a management competency frameowrk that is due to introduced in a years time but we need to start to support and development managers based upon constructive views of others.

Has anyone got any templates etc that I could use?
Elaine Betts

7 Responses

  1. With difficulty
    As I’m sure you know, the advantage of a competence framework for this is that it helps to standardise the understanding of words. Off the top of my head, I guess there are two ways you can go:

    (a) provide your own definitions of ‘leadership’, ‘influencing’ or whatever alongside each parameter you choose so people are on the same page. Don’t spend too much time fretting over what parameters to put in or leave out – it’s what’s done with the feedback that’s more important. The best place to start would be with a steer from whatever is available to date from the competence framework project. Faling that, use the language in your organisation rather than something parachuted in.

    (b) a more narrative route. For example, ask each respondent to list up to 3 things that the subject does well, 3 not so well, and 3 ‘do differently’ suggestions. My instinct would be to do the latter. If the process is good, the feedback will be richer.

    Whichever way you go, where you really need to place the effort is in thinking through and building consensus for the process rather than the content.

    Good luck,


  2. On-line tools?
    Hi Elaine,
    I recently investigated 360 feedback for a management development group and found some useful tools on-line. One company stood out with the option of using tailored or generic leadership competencies for assessment. The results were all managed on-line and the trainer could monitor the responses. The company was Appraisal 360 at I’m not connected to them in any way just found them really helpful, not at all pushy and very easy to use. I would recommend a chat with them and at least a free tour round the system!
    Good Luck.

    Denise Amoss

  3. 360 feedback

    If you’d fid it helpful, I can post you a mini-CD resources tool kit which will give you all you need to get you up-and-running, from initial design (and a way of going about this) through implementation and subsequent ongoing personal development and evaluation.

    My contact email is


  4. 360 Feedback Competency Frameworks
    Hi Elaine

    I can declare an interest here in that we adopt both approaches with our clients in providing either a bespoke competency framework or helping them select from our generic framework.

    There is a good body of work around competencies on the CIPD website and associated resources, and this may give you a steer as to what might be the most relevant competencies to assess against at this early stage.

    As you put it together though, it may be worth thinking about the practicalities of the questionnaire i.e. How many competencies? How many statements? How much narrative?

    Happy to share our experiences and offer up some more thoughts as to how you could quickly construct a valid set of questions.

  5. Competency resource available
    Hi Elaine,

    We use a library of questions when we’re working on putting together competency frameworks.

    If you still want some input on this I’d be very happy to discuss this with you if you want to get in touch.

    Best wishes,
