I’m looking for a trustworthy and reliable 360 supplier who can build and maintain secure websites for participants, manage all outgoing and incoming email traffic, chase up stragglers and process the results into a variety of report formats. We will do the front-end competency analysis, build the questionnaires and complete the 1 to 1 feedback for the participants. We want a partner in the background handling all technology piece. All websites and emails must be branded in our name. Can you recommend anyone that you have personally worked with in this way?
I'm looking for a trustworthy and reliable 360 supplier who can build and maintain secure websites for participants, manage all outgoing and incoming email traffic, chase up stragglers and process the results into a variety of report formats. We will do the front-end competency analysis, build the questionnaires and complete the 1 to 1 feedback for the participants. We want a partner in the background handling all technology piece. All websites and emails must be branded in our name. Can you recommend anyone that you have personally worked with in this way?
7 Responses
Hi John
We used Grange Group on behalf of a client. (www.thegrangegroup.com). They handled everything for us, everything was branded and they also helped design the questionnaire so that it was competely bespoke.
They were also reasonably priced.
Contact Bill Robertson on 0845 230 1223
360 feedback
Hi John
I suggest you talk to Richard at Appraisal360, or through me directly. I started as a customer of theirs 5 years ago, i currently run 2 branded sites with niche specific 360 for my clients, and have the facility to create mulitple questionnaires for my clients with out having to go back and keep paying for alterations and uploads. I am now supporting Appraisal360 by running practitioner netwok (training coaches & consultants in use of 360 as well as supporting corporate clients and managing allocation of coaches to projects) so while whole heartedly recommending Appraisal360 i have to declare my connection / interest too.
Everything you ask for in your spec we are able to provide in a timely cost effective manner. we have a large number of coaches / trainers using the system in excatly the way you are talking about, as well as corporates using under their brand internally. If you would like to know more the web address is http://www.appraisal360.co.uk/, sample branded sites can be found by looking at custom 360 section, here’s a couple http://www.360forlawyers.co.uk/ , http://www.educationleadership360.com
Good luck with your search for an IT/ software partner, and if oyu want to discuss further give me a shout. (01789 205178) Richard’s contact details are richard.oppenheimer@appraisal360.co.uk tel 01782 681214
— Lynda Holt Director Appraisal360 Practitioners lynda.holt@appraisal360.co.uk
Recommended 360 Technology Provider
Hi John
Linda beat me to it, but I can wholeheartedly endorse her recommendation for Appraisal360. I’ve worked with several 360 tools, but this one, in my opinion, wins hands down.
Julie Cooper TSM Partnership
360 supplier
Hi Sue
Thank you very much for your help.
360 supplier
Thanks for your help.
360 supplier
Hi Nick
Thanks for your help.