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Lerone Graham

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4 Ways to Build Web-Savvy Employees


Your company relies on its ability to stay relevant in a Web 2.0 world. Because of this, it’s up to you to lead the charge in maintaining strong web presence and operating with the most effective practices.

In the process, it’s vital that you train your employees to do the same. When you want your employees to become a vital and worthwhile facet of your business, they’ll need to become increasingly web-savvy as time goes on.

Get them started on the right track by considering the following points.

Teach Social Media and Have Everyone Build Their Presence

It’s important for you to stress the importance of social media in your company. By taking the time to help people build their professional social media profiles, your employees will become more versed in things like search engine optimization (SEO), live streaming and other crucial aspects of web marketing.

At the very least, require every employee in your company to maintain their own blogs. This way, they’ll have a chance to learn more about communicating their messages effectively, and will have a chance to grow their professional profile in the process.

Be sure that you’re teaching versatility with social media, since you have to get involved with more than one platform for success these days. However, be sure that they’re mastering each platform, rather than simply dabbling in all of them but not getting any results. A lot of marketers make the mistake of using one social media platform as if it’s another. For instance — some marketers send lengthy messages on Twitter that would be better served on Instagram or Medium.

All social media platforms today are multimedia friendly, so incorporate photos, audio and video whenever possible. It would be worth your time to start a podcast so that you can also get people used to a schedule. For instance, if people are looking forward to your podcast each Friday, they will be more likely to tune in and allow you to market to them.

Be sure that you provide your employees help when needed, but avoid micromanaging. They need to feel free and comfortable enough to make mistakes. This can only happen when this is an area you are allowing to grow, rather than simply handing down an assignment.

By taking this perspective, you’ll give your employees all the tools they need to succeed.

Put People in Charge of Projects

When people take ownership over projects, they’ll be more likely to feel valued and willing to learn. Make sure that any project you put them on involves an area that Web 2.0 that they can grow on. For instance, giving someone on your staff autonomy over their own page also gives them the chance to learn about the principles of web design and marketing.

The key to putting an employee on a project is to make sure that it has a hard deadline. Set the deadlines and work with your employee to fill in the benchmarks. From there, give them the space tackle the project in a way that works for them.

You want your employee to take some ownership over the assignment, but don’t want to be breathing down their neck about the deadline every week. Giving them the space to be in charge of the project on their increase their receptivity to learning the skills that will further their career.

Hold Seminars and Brown Bag Lunch Sessions

Nobody likes empty meetings.

Since you only have so much time in each day, be sure that you schedule meetings that are incredibly productive. One way to do this is by having a casual meeting in which people can bring their lunch or enjoy appetizers as they learnthe ropes about some facet of Web 2.0.

For instance, once you have set forth the initiative for everyone to create a blog, a brown bag lunch session involve blog marketing can be incredibly beneficial. This could also be the perfect time to bring in experts from a particular field to weigh in.

Since we live in the web age, this could also turn into a Google Hangouts session where you are exchanging notes with other business professionals from remote locations. These sessions are incredibly productive and can help you impart new lessons to your company that they otherwise wouldn’t get while on the clock.

This could also be a great time to set benchmarks for the rest of the year, so that everyone feels like they have something to grow on when they are learning these new tips.

Implement More and Better Web Marketing Practices Across the Board

Finally, the best way to build web-savvy employees is to run a web-savvy company. You will want to make everyone feel as though they are part of a business that is on the cutting edge and always growing within its industry.

This sort of energy becomes infectious and prevents your employees from every remaining stagnant. You will also be more likely to attract young and hungry job candidates, because they believe in your vision and know that you’re not getting left behind among other companies.

The more that you apply these tips within your company, the better opportunities you will get to advance. You are only as strong as your weakest employee, so take the time to build your employees for the future. They will not only grow your company, but will also become more capable as a whole as they carve out their own careers.

By training your employees with the future of the web in mind, you can count on your company constantly evolving toward the future. The true gold mind is when your employees are so web-savvy that they will begin to grow your company in ways that you never could have anticipated.

Offering this level of inspiration and knowledge will keep your company ahead of the pack and ahead of your competitors in today’s Web 2.0 world.

So use these tips and make sure that you are never satisfied with your current web practices. The more you grow from this standpoint, the more your company will grow as a whole.

Your company relies on its ability to stay relevant in a Web 2.0 world. Because of this, it's up to you to lead the charge in maintaining strong web presence and operating with the most effective practices.

In the process, it's vital that you train your employees to do the same. When you want your employees to become a vital and worthwhile facet of your business, they'll need to become increasingly web-savvy as time goes on.

Get them started on the right track by considering the following points.

Teach Social Media and Have Everyone Build Their Presence

It's important for you to stress the importance of social media in your company. By taking the time to help people build their professional social media profiles, your employees will become more versed in things like search engine optimization (SEO), live streaming and other crucial aspects of web marketing.

At the very least, require every employee in your company to maintain their own blogs. This way, they'll have a chance to learn more about communicating their messages effectively, and will have a chance to grow their professional profile in the process.

Be sure that you're teaching versatility with social media, since you have to get involved with more than one platform for success these days. However, be sure that they're mastering each platform, rather than simply dabbling in all of them but not getting any results. A lot of marketers make the mistake of using one social media platform as if it's another. For instance -- some marketers send lengthy messages on Twitter that would be better served on Instagram or Medium.

All social media platforms today are multimedia friendly, so incorporate photos, audio and video whenever possible. It would be worth your time to start a podcast so that you can also get people used to a schedule. For instance, if people are looking forward to your podcast each Friday, they will be more likely to tune in and allow you to market to them.

Be sure that you provide your employees help when needed, but avoid micromanaging. They need to feel free and comfortable enough to make mistakes. This can only happen when this is an area you are allowing to grow, rather than simply handing down an assignment.

By taking this perspective, you'll give your employees all the tools they need to succeed.

Put People in Charge of Projects

When people take ownership over projects, they'll be more likely to feel valued and willing to learn. Make sure that any project you put them on involves an area that Web 2.0 that they can grow on. For instance, giving someone on your staff autonomy over their own page also gives them the chance to learn about the principles of web design and marketing.

The key to putting an employee on a project is to make sure that it has a hard deadline. Set the deadlines and work with your employee to fill in the benchmarks. From there, give them the space tackle the project in a way that works for them.

You want your employee to take some ownership over the assignment, but don't want to be breathing down their neck about the deadline every week. Giving them the space to be in charge of the project on their increase their receptivity to learning the skills that will further their career.

Hold Seminars and Brown Bag Lunch Sessions

Nobody likes empty meetings.

Since you only have so much time in each day, be sure that you schedule meetings that are incredibly productive. One way to do this is by having a casual meeting in which people can bring their lunch or enjoy appetizers as they learnthe ropes about some facet of Web 2.0.

For instance, once you have set forth the initiative for everyone to create a blog, a brown bag lunch session involve blog marketing can be incredibly beneficial. This could also be the perfect time to bring in experts from a particular field to weigh in.

Since we live in the web age, this could also turn into a Google Hangouts session where you are exchanging notes with other business professionals from remote locations. These sessions are incredibly productive and can help you impart new lessons to your company that they otherwise wouldn't get while on the clock.

This could also be a great time to set benchmarks for the rest of the year, so that everyone feels like they have something to grow on when they are learning these new tips.

Implement More and Better Web Marketing Practices Across the Board

Finally, the best way to build web-savvy employees is to run a web-savvy company. You will want to make everyone feel as though they are part of a business that is on the cutting edge and always growing within its industry.

This sort of energy becomes infectious and prevents your employees from every remaining stagnant. You will also be more likely to attract young and hungry job candidates, because they believe in your vision and know that you're not getting left behind among other companies.

The more that you apply these tips within your company, the better opportunities you will get to advance. You are only as strong as your weakest employee, so take the time to build your employees for the future. They will not only grow your company, but will also become more capable as a whole as they carve out their own careers.

By training your employees with the future of the web in mind, you can count on your company constantly evolving toward the future. The true gold mind is when your employees are so web-savvy that they will begin to grow your company in ways that you never could have anticipated.

Offering this level of inspiration and knowledge will keep your company ahead of the pack and ahead of your competitors in today's Web 2.0 world.

So use these tips and make sure that you are never satisfied with your current web practices. The more you grow from this standpoint, the more your company will grow as a whole.