7 reasons why you need to find out  your strengths

If you have studied for a HR or business qualification, it is likely you have heard of Belbin. You could probably list at least 6 of the 9 roles, and know that for a team to be successful you need all of the Belbin Team Roles present.

But have you gone one step further and used Belbin? If not, it’s probably because you are stuck on the ‘why’. Why is it important to understand the behavioural strengths and weaknesses of those you work with? Why is it important to understand your own?

So here are our top 7 reasons why finding out behavioural strengths and weaknesses is important in the workplace:

1. If people play to their strengths they are 6 x more likely to be engaged (Source: Gallup)

2. Employees who feel engaged at work and who can use their strengths in their jobs are more productive and profitable, stay longer, have happier customers, and produce higher quality work (Source: Gallup)

3. You can allocate the right people to tasks. No more trial and error by managers

4. You can put together high-performing teams based not on job titles and availability, but on behavioural contributions. You can almost start at the “performing” stage of the Tuckman model

5. Individuals can understand that valuing and using behavioural difference can result in more productive working relationships

6. They don’t show up on CVs and covering letters

7. Self-aware individuals can adapt their own behaviours to get the most out of relationships, by understanding potential conflict and being proactive to mitigate it.

Why should you use Belbin to identify behavioural strengths and weaknesses?

1. It is the tried and tested gold standard. Worldwide.

2. Belbin doesn’t take your word for it. It asks for feedback from those that you work with to build up a more useful picture of your workplace behaviours

3. It is based on 9 years of original work-based research – 9 years of analysing and observing teams in action – and is continually updated and reviewed.

4. It gives you a common language that can be used without fear of making things personal or offensive

5. You can define the work that needs to be done in terms of the Belbin Team Roles which would be best suited to it. Then you can find the right person by looking at their Belbin report.

6. It is accessible to everyone. Although accreditation is available, anyone can complete a Belbin questionnaire and, in return, receive a Belbin report offering them advice. Belbin have put the “psychologist in the reports”, so that they are straightforward to understand and, more importantly, use.

If you need more reasons, get in touch. Otherwise, you can purchase Belbin reports here