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April Fool from TrainingZONE and HR Zone !



This year's April Fool is sponsored by

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10 Responses

  1. Learn whilst you learn
    Oh no, not again !!
    I did not realise that HR managers/trainers were human, how wrong can you be?

  2. Too close to call!
    Having spent the last few evenings reading through the documentation for Education Standards Funds, Education Action Zones and Excellence in Cities I just naturally assumed that this was a logical extension to the existing initiatives.
    It feels so close to the sort of programme that attracts funding at the moment that I am looking forward to this actually taking off in the near future!

  3. Great!
    Super spoof! – well done!!

    Yes, I was taken in, but had already decided that the funds would probably be so difficult for anyone to access it wouldn’t make any difference…

    That’s pretty cynical isn’t it??

  4. Well caught out…….
    Very good…….
    Also in with both feet there, but good for a laugh on a sunday thats for sure….

    However, if you do live in Scotland and are over 18 years of age then make sure you have accessed your Individual Learning Accounts (ILA’s) and use them to fund your learning.
    This realy is money from the government and can be used for a many different types of courses with either £150 or 80% of the course being paid for with your ILA, dependant on the training course……..
    So come on folks, get them accessed and get using them.
    Need more info then drop me a mail and I’ll see if I can help.


    For info about Individual Learning Accounts, you can see


  5. Geeeee hahaha
    Well you managed to get me with that one!!! There was me looking for funding ideas and i was well and truly sucked in with that one..Thanks for making the evening more entertaining 🙂

  6. Nice One!!!!!!!!!!!
    Well…curiosity killed the cat they say…and I had to have a peek. There was I thinking I had got through April Fools Day without a hitch! (and yes I know it’s after 12.00pm)

    Seriously though, IF anyone out there needs funding for any Computer Based Training programmes please e:mail Nic Evans on
    Via an ILA there are 1000’s of courses available for everyone over 19 years of age!

  7. very good, much too good to be true but for moment there…….
    Would be a good idea though Mr Blair sir, if you’re reading this?