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programme or course suggestions


I have a client who is looking for an open enrolment programme or course that it can send its people to, which will help them develop the skills of delivering difficult messages / critical feedback to others. The current culture of the organisation is only to give "good news" and they are looking for a way to learn how to give the "not so good news" as well.

All and any ideas or suggestions please.


George Davies
George Davies

8 Responses

  1. Course suggestions
    A culture of “Good News” only often makes people nervous as it does not mirror real life. We offer courses in continuous appraisal and feedback techniques as part of a stress reduction programme.

    This offers a feedback “sandwich” to the employee who also learns how to accept constructuve criticism whilst receiving feedback.

    This means that feedback of a difficult nature can be fairly and openly provided balanced by the “good news”.

    If any of this appeals please contact me on or by phone on 0870 241 3998.

  2. Feedback Skills
    The theory of delivering positive and negative feedback is relatively simple for people to understand. The difficulty comes in putting the theory into practice. I have developed a workshop in which delegates start to understand and appreciate the benefits of giving feedback and identifying the reasons why it happens so infrequently. This has proven to particularly beneficial and well received when existing teams of people attend together. By providing delegates with a few basic techniques to work with and giving them feedback on delivering that technique, a real change in behaviour has been experienced.

    Give me a ring on 01327 844634, or drop me an ‘e’ mail at if you think I can help

  3. programme or course suggestions
    We run a one day workshop on feedback skills which focuses on the purpose of feedback, what it isn’t, when and how to deliver the messages of both ‘good news’ and ‘not so good news’. The day also explores what it is like being on the receiving end of feedback. By following some simple guidelines giving balanced feedback can be incorporated into the organisational culture.

    If you would like to discuss this in more detail please contact me on 01494 471834 or

  4. Feedback- Breakfast of Champions
    Most people are uncomfortable with fedback both posotive and negative, but for different reasons.
    The giver can often have issues around the subject and feel bad about delivering a message that might not be taken well.
    We can sometimes feel that negative feedback is criticism of us as individuals.
    In order to have been given feedback, we know we must have done something; feedback only occurs in response to action.

    I have found in training that the giver of feedback is as uncomfortable as the receiver .
    My job is to show how by being congruent and clear in the language used ,both parties can benefit.
    After all as Eleanor Roosevelt said ” No one can hurt me without my prior consent “.

    Feel free to contact me on 0208-202-9408.

  5. Negative Feedback
    In isolation training people in giving/receiving negative feedback really is not a realistic option. I’m sure you realise this. I would advise you not to waste your client’s money and goodwill on recommending one day workshops, off the shelf solution etc., but rather look at the organisation holistically, what causes them not to as a culture be able to give and receive honest and open feedback. What do they do with conflict, etc.,

    Do visit our site if you would like to see what can be done for companies…..building their EI

  6. Feedback

    You could visit our website at as we run a two day coaching and performance management open programme which may be of interest to you.

    The programme not only focuses on how to give constructive feedback, but also explores how to manage the interaction with the individual and motivate them to take positive action to improve their performance.

    If you would like any further details please contact me on 015394 88333.

    Bridget Walford

  7. Giving constructive feedback in a constructive way
    I am currently ‘reframing’ the Windsor Fellowship, developing a paradigm shift from the ‘traditional’ paternalist, Newtonian model that still prevails in training and organisations.
    Sponsors hope we’ll develop leadership skills, including giving and getting criticism.

    About 100 udergraduates (sponsored by the likes of the Home Office, Cooper Lybrandt, Anderson Consulting, etc.), eight Facilitators and six student liaison officers will exchange ongoing, dynamic, live feedback as a key part of the programme (join my e-group for more on this).

    I intend that Fellows build confidence and competence, and apply their skills as future movers and shapers.

    One idea you might like to try: start feedback sessions with three questions:
    Q1 What do you like about what you did?
    Q2 What will you do differently in similar circumstances?
    Q3 What would you like from me?

    the questions indicate certain presuppositons:-

    Q1 Some positive intent or outcome (tho’things went wrong).
    Q2 Mistakes can be learning experiences.
    Q3 Collaberation is possible (both take ownership)

    The answers illustrate the degree of reflection and learning, which may make the manager’s criticisms redundant, and s/he can instead acknowledge, even celebrate that good ensued from ‘bad’.

    Contact me, or join my e-group for more.

  8. How to give feedback based on evidence, not emotion
    I have developed a set of questions that a manager can ask himself / herself about someone’s performance in any aspect of their job. It is used in our organisation to give feedback at all levels eg. an annual performance review, one off project, or simply recent bhaviour. It is easy to use because it allows the manager to start with any emotional statement (which, let’s face it – we all do !) like ‘They’re totally brilliant’ or ‘They are rubbish at what they do’ then they answer a few quetions to get a more balanced view and they are challenbged on their views.
    Managers rarely have difficulty in understanding that they need to give balanced feedback but they do have problems in HOW to do it. This session only takes a few hours to deliver because it is so easy to follow and to do once you have tried it.
    Let me now if you want a copy of the A4 sheet that explains the process, then if you want you can call me and I can talk you through it.