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Getting That First Contract


After 7 years as an employed training designer and deliverer in the financial services marketplace, I have decided to go it alone freelance. I have set up my website and have built my business plan - all I am lacking is that first contract - is anyone willing to help me get onto the merry-go-round? Any support would be greatly appreciated, whether it is contacts or sub-contract work - I am sure I will be able to repay assistance likewise in the future.

Also, would you please check out my website that I've designed and written myself - its simple but I would like to know what you think.

Kind regards,

Howard Slaney
Howard Slaney

3 Responses

  1. Arian Associates Ltd
    People will think your web page is indicitive of your standards and it looks very amaturish. SORRY !

  2. Look for associate work

    The most important thing is to stimulate a positive cash flow so I’d immediately look for associate work with large training companies. Scour web pages and journals for those that might need experienced people. Whilst you are working on these contracts you have the time then to look for your own business – letting everybody you’ve ever worked with (who haven’t come via your associate work!)know that you are available.

    Jenny’s right about the website, it’s not doing you any favours. Websites have an important place, but for you I’d network like a thing possessed…

    Good luck!

  3. 1st contract
    Just got my first one
    But it has taken 3 months, suggest you contact local TEC or LEC to be included on their lists for contracting. Also check out the Jobs pages Financial sections because if they are looking for staff they may need training and generally the contact details are the same so send a mailshot
    hope this helps