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Inter Team Building Activities


Want access to free activities or games that can be used for outdoor inter team training. Conducting here in Hungary so want activities that don't require too many physical resources and ideally fun!
Andrew Smith

2 Responses

  1. Stone Soup (!?)
    Hi Andrew

    I may be able to help, but need some more details:

    What is the physical/medical fitness of your delegates?

    What is the size and nature of the outdoor area(s) available to you (woods, rivers/streams/ network of roads/tracks, flat/hilly, boggy/firm)

    Are you able to acquire such things as plastic milk bottle crates, wooden planks, ropes etc?

    How many people are involved in the teams?

    What is the main objective of the training sessions?

    How long do you have to spend with them?

    Is it a residential programme – i.e. is early/late working possible?


    Martin Schmalenbach

  2. Websites for activities
    Here are a few sites to start hunting!

    Not all management development need to be outdoors! the important part is the reflection!

    Try these (they will link you to other sites as well) look for international links and especially Christian Itin’s page Roger has alot of ideas for reviewing and loads on links to other more activity filled pages! look for the resoures section on Scott’s page look for freegames etc

    There are many books you can buy
    try and again!

    Hope this helps kick start your search!

    Andi Roberts MBA
    Total Learning Solutions S.L.
    Barcelona, Spain
    Telephone : (00 34) 93 896 1 698
    Mobile : (00 34) 605 84 99 02