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Ground Rules


Can anyone provide me with their top 10 list of ground rules to talk about at the start of a training course? I usually ask the participants to come up with them themselves, but unfortunately and tight for time!
Sue Nunan

4 Responses

  1. Ground Rules
    Hi Sue – try these….

    1. Participate. Everyone commits to put as much into the course as they can so they get as much as possible out in return.

    2. Relax and be yourself. The classroom is a zero risk environment, you are not judging or being judged.

    3. Ask questions. There are no such things as silly questions, only silly answers!

    4. Share your opinion. Everyone has experience and it is that diversity of experience and perspective that enrichens the training event.

    5. Take breaks. In addition to the planned breaks, people should feel comfortable about asking for additional breaks if they are finding the learning process difficult. Breaks don’t always have to be coffee and cigarettes but could include physical or mental activity.

    6. Commit to put the learning into practice back at work.

    7. Give and receive feedback gracefully. Don’t criticise people but do be prepared to offer and receive constructive feedback about process and behaviours.

    8. Be willing to consolidate learning by practice. Volunteer during the course to “have a go”.

    9. Monitor your own progress against your personal and the course learning objectives. Speak up if you feel they are not being met.

    10. Have fun!

    I hope this helps and good luck with your event.



  2. Will Eleven do?
    Get involved, the more you put in, the more you will get out.
    Relax and enjoy yourself
    Objectives, know what you want to achieve
    Understand, ensure you ask if you don’t.
    Network, courses are good for meeting new people.
    Don’t prejudge, give all learning experiences a chance.

    Respect others, not everyone learns in the same way.
    U-You have a responsibility for your own learning.
    Listen to others’ points of view.
    Evaluate what you are learning and how you will use it.
    Share ideas/experiences with others.

    Using the ground rules letters, especially on a flipchart or screen can be good, if you are not able to ask participants to do this.

  3. A Starter for 10
    The initial opening and start of a course is vitally important, it sets the “tone” I hope the following points help !!
    1. welcome and greet
    2. introductions, firstly get the course delegates to write down a few points about their past working experience/ hobbies to introduce themselves, you then intro yourself and also establish your own credibility.
    3. get delegates to think about their expectations of the course, and then ask each one in turn, and write this down on the flip chart( to use at the end of the course)
    4. cover your health & safety points/ domestics
    first aid
    mobile phones
    5.Aims & Objectives
    6. the format of your course
    7. your role their role during the course and after the course.
    8. relax and enjoy
    9. theory and practical
    10. you get involved and demonstrate if required.

    hope this helps
    if you require any help with handouts ect please let me know.

  4. Ground RUles
    Vital to start with theme of dual rights and responsibilities.What you expect from them is fine but what can they expect from you?

    THEM – my top ten

    1. Respect -for everyone else and their opinion
    2. Punctuality
    3.No harassment or bullying
    4.Space – making sure they don’t crowd out someone
    5. Attitude – I will acquire at least one new skill/piece of information et al
    6. Care – ensuring any safety risks in venue are brought to your attention as a trainer
    7. Challenge if you don’t agree
    8. Co-operation to help create a convivial learning environment
    9.Participation – come forward with your ideas
    10. Confidentiality – help creatre and sustain a safe environment by keeping frozen any organisational or corporate info that people share, and which may be sensitive
