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Thinking of running an Assessment or Development Centre?


Thinking of running an Assessment or Development Centre?
Tuesday 8 August
13:00 - 13:45
Led by Shirley Dalziel

This workshop will help you to become aware of what is required in running such a centre and will help you to find out where to start your planning:

- An Assessment or a Development Centre - What's the difference?
- Why have so many people had negaive experiences of these events?
- Training observers and assessors
- The importance of being clear about competencies
- Must it include psychometrics?
- Where do I start planning?

Shirley Dalziel is a chartered psychologist and has run assesment and development centres for a variety of organisations over the past seven years and has provided advice and training for those thinking of going down this

TrainingZONE online workshops are free to participants. Just come to the workshop page at the time shown above.