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Training needs analysis


I want to devise a general needs analysis questionnaire and would like to get hold of some examples in order to get a feel for the design and style of question. Although many questions will be company specific I am sure there will be a range of questions around that will apply to any workplace and have been well tested.
Tony Trotman

4 Responses

  1. Example Training Needs Analysis
    I’m in exactly the same boat as Tony, does anyone out there have examples that can be used as a base model.

    As I work within the Insurance industry, predominantly with Lloyd’s anything along those lines would be really useful..again as with Tony, much of the TNA would be client specific, and will be modified each time.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, and will make my headaches go away…

  2. Books
    These book will supply information on your enquirey.

    Bartram, Sharon and Gibson, Brenda. – Training Needs Analysis (2nd edition).
    – Gower, – 1997

    Bee, Frances and Roland. – Training Needs Analysis and Evaluation. – IPM, –

    Bolton – Assessment & Development in Europe – McGraw-Hill – (1995) –

    Boydell,Tom and Leary, Malcolm. – Identifying Training Needs. – IPD, – 1996

    Churchouse, Jane. – Advancing Trainer Skills. – Echelon, – 1999. (A
    self-study product that includes, TNA, evaluation, preparing and delivering
    training, for NVQ Level 4 T & D)

    Craig, Malcolm. – Analysing Learning Needs. – Gower, – 1994

    Fransella & Bannister – Manual for Repertory Grid Technique – Academic Press
    – (1977) – 0 12 265456 0

    Mager & Pipe – Analyzing Performance Problems – David S. Lake – (1984) –

    Mills, Pace & Peterson – Analysis in Human Resource Training &
    Organisational Development – Addison-Wesley – (1988)- 0-201-09224-7

    Peterson, Robyn. – Training Needs Assessment, 2nd Edition. – Kogan Page, –

    Rae, Leslie. – Planning and Designing Training Programmes. – Gower, 1997

    Reay, David G. – Identifying Training Needs. – Kogan Page, – 1994.

    Williams, Beverley. – Learning Needs Analysis: 17 activities for trainers
    and managers. – Fenman, – 1999

    Swanson -Analysis for Improving Performance – BK – (1994) – 1-881052-48-6

    Westgaard – Tests that Work – Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer – (1999) – 0-7879-4596-X

  3. Sample questionnaires on agricultural industry
    I want to devise a general needs analysis questionnaire for the organic agricultural industry throughout Wales – big task!

    I would like to get hold of some examples in order to get a feel for the design and style of question.

    So, I’m looking for basic questions that relate to the agricultural industry.

    Any suggestions welcome.