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Tenders and Directories


I am keen to break into the "tender" world of tenders.Is there a national directory or listing scheme which provides notification?

Does anybody know of any other general training directories?

William Chadwick

4 Responses

  1. Tenders
    I would also be very grateful of this kind of info if you would be prepared to forward any advice on. I can be contacted on 0774 894 0071.


  2. Tenders
    I have seen a bi-monthly publication of “tenders” from public sector/local government and there is also a website that you might want to check out called

    You can scan through the brief details for free, but to get more information / complete tender details you have to buy credits which start from a few pounds plus.

    Not sure if this is what you are specifically looking for, but worth checking out ?

    Best of luck
    Achievement By Design

  3. Bidding

    I have recently started a company that specialises in bidding for educational projects. There is a vast amount of funding out there, and it changes on a daily basis, so I doubt that you will find a single directory that will be of lasting use. If you would like to e-mail me with the specific areas that you are looking for, then I will do some research into what is available.


  4. European Tenders
    Have you tried OJEC ( – you can visit the website for free to look at recent tenders, but will need to subscribe to receive information on new tenders and contracts.

    Good luck!