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Any interesting ideas on making inductions more fun/interactive


I am not happy with the way that our inductions are being done. We have certain topics that need to be covered e.g. company history/structure, GMP etc. and I want to try and make inductions more interesting as I can tell that inductees are bored.
Our inductions last from 09:30-13:30 with 1 1/4 hours dedicated to Health and Safety. The number of inductees can be any thing from 1 -10 and from all areas of the company.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
allison preece

14 Responses

  1. Engaging Inductees
    Hi Allison,

    I have designed/redesigned several induction programmes in the past. I believe that one of the issues we face is our own or management’s expectation of how we transfer knowledge. If you look to accelerated learning techniques, there are many ways other than lecture sessions that important knowledge can be imparted to your group.

    To give you the best advice I can, It would help to know a bit more about your specific situation.

    What kind of industry are you that a third of your induction event is dedicated to H&S?

    How long after the new joiners arrive do they attend the induction course?

    Have you looked at things like pre-induction course work?

    Are you limited to a half-day session? If so, why?

    The induction programme is one of the most important things a new hire can go through as it can have such an impact on the individual and if they are bored, not only will their learning experience be impaired but the sub-conscious impression they could go away with is that they are working for a boring company – which I am sure is not the case.

    Have you examined your attrition rate of people leaving within the first 9 months? Do you conduct exit surveys to ascertain why people leave? Can any of this be linked back to initial impressions or their induction?

    If you would llike to discuss this in detail, please contact be by phone or e-mail (07880790815 or

    Best regards,


  2. Interesting Induction
    We have made a CBT Induction Programme covering eight modules [the usual ones; history, benefits, safety etc.]and then follow these up at a later date with an Induction Workshop.
    At this stage people already “know” so the workshop is a very interactive question and answer session.
    Time is cut, costs are cut and the new employees are far better informed.

    John Sim

  3. Make it different
    I run a 2-day company induction course and have found that to keep attendees interested I have to keep changing the media used – sometimes it’s Powerpoint, sometimes a video, often it is games and quizzes based on things about the company, and sometimes ‘scavenger hunts’ on the company intranet.
    There is a team ‘shoot-out quiz’ on the last afternoon, with prizes for the winning team.
    Hope these ideas help!

  4. Quick response……..
    Hi Allison,

    With the limited information supplied, it is only too easy to view your situation with some scepticism!

    I agree with the previous comments, especially Gary’s.

    Firstly, it would appear that your company does not place sufficient emphasis on the importance of the induction process. It may well be a budget limitation!

    Does the management feel that it is a necessary evil? If so, then you have a perfect opportunity to change their attitudes. With regard to H & S matters, I might suggest that an overview may be more appropriate, along with a personal copy of relevant topics. Place the responsibility toward the individual, to become acquainted with current legislation and acquaint them with their local HSE representative. If you are legally bound to cover all H & S regulations, there are many ways to achieve this.

    But to the main issue!

    Put yourself in the shoes of your new employee(s). A new job, new environment, new people, and new culture…the list goes on. The most important starting point is to ensure that people are at their ease. A good icebreaker should achieve this. If practicable, take them on a short tour around your facility. This has tremendous benefits all round. People are really learning about the company, culture and the initial ‘lost’ feeling soon disappears. Perhaps consider the delivery method. Is it lecture, discussion or presentation? If time allows, and I feel that more time should allocated, try more discussion. If your audience can relate to previous environments, then the new culture is perceived to be easier to grow into, as opposed to adding to a huge learning curve.

    I would be more than happy to discus this in more detail, and perhaps give you some more ideas, based on past experience. Please feel free to drop me a mail.

    Good luck


  5. Simulate…..

    …to stimulate!

    We make interactive e-learning simulations using a tool. In a number of recent applications some large corporates have taken an interactive simulation that we provided for their managers and given it to a trainer to redeploy it for shopfloor workers. The benefit of this approach is that the simulation is/can be changed to suit an audience or because of any change in the process.

    Because it is interactive the student has a chance to learn at his/her pace and the organisation can confirm electronically that the student has understood and completed the tasks. Fallout from computer course is 50%+. Fallout from interactive courses is under 10%.

    Neil Cameron

  6. Making Inductions interesting
    I am responsible for company inductions and I feel that is is important to make the day as interesting as possible. I include a treasure hunt which requires the new starters to get signatures, ask questions, find Health & Safety equipment etc and it always really goes down well.I also use quizzes and games and in general people go home with lots of knowledge about the company that they have learnt in a fun atmosphere. If you wish to e-mail me my address is

  7. Stage It!
    Hi Allison

    Our induction is a staged process:

    Stage 1 – Central Induction – just 1 hour on the first morning with information provided by Personnel, Health and Safety and Staff Development teams – 3 different faces each with a 20 min slot. It covers essential contract stuff and some form filling and the opportunity to meet some friendly faces who can provide support in the first few weeks. We give out a really comprehensive Staff Handbook and show an informative but entertaining Health and Safety Video. It’s very informal and chatty with lots of opportunity to ask questions.

    Stage 2 – Local Induction – getting to know the area they will be working in – local procedures, work role and key people with a checklist of generic info that should be covered by all areas. A planning discussion takes place to identify immediate work priorities and identify immediate development needs.

    Stage 3 – Question and Answer Session – very informal over a buffet lunch and takes place in the first month. Opportunity to ask the Deputy Vice Chancellor about the direction of the organisation, mission , vision , key objectives etc.. Again very informal – organised a bit like ‘Question Time’ Shows real commtment from our senior management team about the importance of induction.

    The feedback we receive from staff is excellent and many new staff have commented that it is better than their experience in other similar organisations.

  8. Gary is right!
    I have just delivered an induction – its not called that! and a session called How not to die at work.( Health and Safety for the unenlightened )

    You have to explore accelerated learning from the use of smell. music scribble sheets etc in fact involvinfg all of the intelligences. Give me a call.


  9. e-inductions
    We have made e-induction programmes for some of our clients which cover all the key issues in a consistent and engaging way, which have a “how much did you learn” questionnaire (which really ensures that they pay attention)and which are capable of being delivered at work from the intranet, or across the web, or on CD. The e-induction can be easily integrated into the face-to-face programme and can also be delivered either after commencement or before it. E-inductions do not need to be expensive and can be put together quite quickly. We’ld be happy for you to talk to one or two of our customers, if that were helpful. Please feel free to call me on 0207 608 9500.

  10. Interactive Orientation
    We conduct a 3 1/2 day orientation (induction) and we get great response from the new employees. We have fun activities such as a Scavenger Hunt (they are required to talk to current employees, get signatures, and various items) to encourage their interaction with other employees. We have a ice cream social where we invite the presenters as well as the supervisors of the new employees. Over the 3 1/2 days we have approximately 20 – 25 speakers that come and speak to them on various topics (i.e. benefits; department introductions; information technology). We have spent time coaching the presenters so they also try to make their presentations fun and interesting. We give the presenters continuous feedback. We kick-off the program by having one of the V.P. or the president speak to the group. This gives new employees the message they are important. We also have tried to get all current employees involved by passing out smiley face stickers that say Welcome To _____ (name of our company)that we ask current employees to wear the week of orientation.

    We do lots of other things as well. PLease feel free to contact me if you want further information.

  11. Induction Training
    Hi Allison,
    I, too, have created CBTs for induction training and a recent one I did provided a brief overview of the organization and included history, structure, and health and safety.

    We used actors for the history section (in appropriate costume) and had them deliver the historical information. This was done on video and was included in the CBT.

    We also provided information cunningly disguised as games to hold interest. Quizzes (again, quite “gamelike”) were also included to measure how well the inductee absorbed the information.

    The organization uses the CBT as a starting-off point for new staff, to give them a grounding in general company information. A CBT is also useful in that it can be delivered to individuals, whereas classroom sessions can usually only be delivered to groups. This way staff get the induction information on their first day, rather than wait months for enough people to be gathered together for classroom training.

    Hope this helps! Please contact me offline if you need any more info (


  12. Induction Training
    If you are dealing with managers…gather suitable material such as company history/development/products whatever and send packs to the managers in advance warning them they will be required to give a short talk 10/15 mins on these different aspects. makes them do the research and heightens interest. NOTHING CONCENTRATES THE MIND SO MUCH AS KNOWING YOU ARE TO BE HANGED IN A FORTNIGHT. Dr Johnson.

  13. re Induction
    The key is to get the new people involved – make them feel part of the new environment they are about to join. How about getting them to ‘present’ the H&S info to the others. Have pre-prepared briefings about the subjects with key point highlighted and a ‘props box’ full of pictures and props they can use to demonstrate e.g. fire helmet, first aid kit. Give them 15 minutes to prepare and 5 minutes to deliver. If set up correctly, this exercise really works (this comes form experience of doing it this way!)

    Good luck.
    Rachel Benson