I am currently using a database for maintaining records of students on courses. This database was written using foxpro and there is no one in the organisation who understands how to programme using this application. Therefore no amendments can be made.
The ideal solution to my problem wouold be to purchase a system that was capable of handling records of students progressing through NVQ's and Certificates & Diplomas and have the ability to produce reports. I would also like cost effective solutions so offers to custom develop a database may be beyond my budget.
I am cosidering writing one for Microsoft Access but do not have the time to do this?
I hope there is someone out there that knows of a suitable system?
Mike Smith
2 Responses
Training Records Systems in Access
I don’t know of any off-the-shelf solutions, but we have developed training records systems (amongst others!) in the past in Access, which gives you more flexibility to get what you want out of the system, and is usually cheaper than a package.
Contact me on nici@a2ztraining.co.uk for more information.
You could try Smartrack Information Systems Ltd (email: sales@smartrack.co.uk; telephone 01305-837170). Their SMARTrack 2000 might be right for you.
Alternatively, try http://www.cognisoft.co.uk and ask about YETI Version 2 (or maybe Version 3 by now!)