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Impact of Training on the bottom line


Can anyone tell me if any research has been carried out on the impact of training on the bottom line ? If so, who by and how do I find out more ? Thank you
Alison Thornhill

3 Responses

  1. Evaluation of Training
    This is probably one of the most hotly debated topics in training.
    Suggest you do a web trawl for Dr Donald Kirkpatrick. He devised a four level system of evaluation which may lead you to the answers you seek.
    If you find the answer, can you let us all know. It will obviously be entirely dependent on all the variables of what, who, when, how etc, etc…

  2. The Bottom Line
    I agree, it is always difficult to measure Level 4 and even worse for Level 5.
    Increase in bottom line can be caused by factors such as a very bouyant market. I both train and manage training for several housebuilders and would love to say that what I do for them has improved their bottom line – but I can’t differentiate what I do from the increase in housing prices which have caused higher profits.
    The same applies in reverse. If training acheives good savings or efficiency but you are currently working with an airline or insurance sector client – how can you show anything?
    Return on Investment is just as bad, as it takes establishing all sorts of costly and complex indicators prior to training, then they have to be reviewed some time after training and then quantified. Usually an ROI exercise is only used every so often, due to the the totally non-prfitable nature of doing it!
    I agree with the previous answer – trawl for ROI or the like on the net – and then try to forget it!
    Tony Willson
    Partners for Training Ltd

  3. Evaluation
    As Caroline states this is one of the most hotly debated subjects in Training- it’s been something that we’ve covered quite a bit in the news, monthly features, and interviews- and the community in general through any answers and the workshops. I would have a good look through the archives and see what you can find.

    In the begining of 2002 we are due to launch a specific aspect of the community to deal with this subject in more detail (and in a very practical way).