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Trainer’s Tip: Stress Exercise


This week's tip, from Rich Lucas, will help delegates identify when they are feeling stressed and their response to it.

For demonstration of stress to each individual, you could try this:
Get everyone to relax, close their eyes and breathe deeply. Then ask them to remember a time within the last week or month (or whatever timeframe you want) that they felt what they would call "stress".

Because your delegates are relaxed from the breathing etc. Their experience the feelings of stress will be magnified.

Then ask them to open their eyes and write down what they felt within their own bodies. This can range from "the hot surge" throughout their body to muscular tension to headaches to a feeling of helplessness. This technique focuses on the feelings of stress and not the situations (which of course are always different). From there, you can look at ways to deal with these feelings and avoid if possible. Hope this helps.

One Response

  1. activity
    I use this activty but ask for an observer and get them to think first of a time when they were stressed and then when they were happy and in control. The observer can also give feedback on how it is clear to see when someone is thinking STRESS