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Seek example of training plan – Voluntary Sector


I am looking for simple examples of training plans which would be of use to a small voluntary sector organisation who have just achieved Investors in People Accreditation and are looking to further develop some of their systems.
Christian Bone

3 Responses

  1. Examples of Training Plans

    I have just completed my Directorates’ Training Plans(350 staff, local authority) We too are looking to acheive IIP within the next 6 – 9 months. If you would like to e mail me, I can then e mail back our examples.


    Jaqueline Meaney
    Employee Development Officer

  2. Training plan offer
    I am quite willing to post you a copy of Bedfordshire’s Training Plan for Social Services which will give you a model which you can adapt. 2 sections of Social Services dgained IiP last year and used extracts from the Training Plan as evidence.

    John Wallace
    Employee Development Manager

  3. Request for Voluntary Sector Training Plan
    I am Head of Training at the National Centre for Volunteering, in London, which achieved IiP last December. I wrote a training policy and plan for the Centre last year, and would be happy to send you a hard copy.