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Project management skills


I am interested in receiving details of any innovative ways for developing project management skills for middle and senior managers in local government. I am not looking for the standard training courses or CD roms but any other ideas you may have.
Celia Payne

2 Responses

  1. Innovative Project Management Training
    Hi Celia,

    We offer a number of Project Management courses, including one we call the Project Manager’s Toolkit, which develops project management skills via an extended business simulation. During the simulation (which takes 4-5 days – not necessarily consecutive), the participants move around a game board collecting “Risk” cards (rather like the Chance cards in Monopoly). Having collected a Risk card, they must deal with the issue before moving on.

    Before running the course, we check to see the particular skills sets the company is keen to develop, and ensure the appropriate Risk cards are included. They can cover topics such as:
    – Problem solving
    – Managing meetings
    – Lack of support from a steering group / stakeholders
    – Presenting project status to a steering group
    – Lack of motivation among the team
    – Delays to the project
    In fact all the issues that a project manager is likely to face – and many more than are covered on traditional project management courses.

    If you would like any information on our courses, or suggestions for some of the exercises we use, please get in touch on /