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Fancy giving an interview ?!


We are currently working on a feature for our website (Don't worry Tim, we are no competition for TrainingZone) where we want to show to the world that personnel people DO in fact have a sense of humour!

If you are willing to be interviewed, please get in touch. The interview will be via e-mail and is a light hearted look at the colourful world of Human Resources Development.

Status is not important, we want to talk to you regardless of position within the training function, and get some differing perspectives.

If your an independant consultant then its a chance for free advertising! (Got to throw in a bribe somewhere) oh yes, and theres the entry into a prize draw, every month we'll select one interviewee at random and bung you a bottle of something.

If you want to get involved drop me a line, either via the reply bit at the top of this page or to me at:-

Do your bit for the profession!!

Regards to all

Rik Farish

5 Responses

  1. I’d be more than happy
    I run an independent training and development consultancy called Performance Development, based in North East England.

    The HRD community has a tendancy to take itself too seriously and we could do weel to remember that work can be fun!

    I’d be more than happy to be interviewed.

  2. Anything for a laugh!
    I believe that humour is an esential source of our creativity. I would be happy to be interviewed. I lead the European Consortium for the Learning Organisation, so might be able to share some new pespectives.

    I have absolutely no sense of humour.
    Lfe is too short and training sessions (seem) too long to be frivolous.
    Learning should be difficult, solemn (or better yet, painful).
    Delegates who introduce levity should be reprimanded (the first time) castigated the second and…well, you get my drift.

    On that basis, I would be miserable to be interviewed, but do feel free to get in touch!

    No, but seriously, did you hear the one about the freelance, independent trainer consultant whose delegates flatly refused his instruction to “Get into threes”?

    It was the way he told ’em!

    Michael J Mallows
    Social Effectiveness Training
    (Established 1980 and still changing)

  4. Interview
    I write and publish a few distance learning books and believe that humour is the essential tool for motivation.
    And I prefer a really nice Chardonnay if I win the draw.
    John Gorton

  5. Source of interviewees
    You may find the Coaching & Mentoring Network website at be a useful source of interviewees. Use the search facility to find coaches/mentors who work in this field. Sorry there isn’t an option to specify sense of humour tho!

    I am assuming your website address is based on your email address. If not please email it to me so that I can take a look! If you have any articles on there relating to coaching or mentoring we’ll be happy to reprint them on our site with a link to yours.