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CPD – recent seminal papers


I seek your assistance in identifying any recently published articles or conference papers focusing on continuing professional development (CPD) with respect to:

- views of employers
- trends in delivery
- financial investment in CPD and return on that investment

The references would ideally be related to the library and information sector, but do not necessarily have to be.

Any useful titles or URLs would be greatly appreciated.

Sharon Greenshields

3 Responses

  1. Check out the CIPD
    At the risk of teaching egg-sucking, have you tried the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development? 020 8263 3305 will get you to someone to talk to about CPD. The CIPD library may also have articles etc, though there may be a charge to non-members of the Institute for the use of library resources. Good luck in your search.

  2. Try Institute for Continuing Professional Development

    You should also try the Institute of Continuing Professional Development (ICPD)
    who have plenty of information on these issues, some available for download from the site, where you will also find contact details of their London office.

    Tim Pickles

  3. More info from Norm!
    Did you know about the Interprofessional CPD Forum, a group of over 50 professional bodies chaired by the CIPD surveying the use of the internet for CPD?. The DfEE is funding this research. Any member of CIPD can participate in the survey by filling in the questionnaire online at
    Happy hunting
    Norman Randall