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Succession Planning


Does anyone have any practical tools / techniques or approaches that they use for succession planning? I am also interested in ways that HR Consultants / Line managers can be trained in these techniques.

Many thanks

Richard Rogers
Learning and Resource Planning Manager
Prudential Bache Ltd
Richard Rogers

One Response

  1. Succession Planning Process
    The key is the ease of the process employed and the business drivers.

    1. Identify key business drivers
    2. Define critical competencies to sustain the business.
    3. Identify the critical positions within the organizational structure to support the business growth.
    4. Evaluate the people in all the leadership functions to identify your bench strengths.
    5. Evaluate upcoming new talent (through the competencies and performance indicators)within the organization that can take on new challenges in alignment with business objectives.
    6. Conduct a quarterly review with the management team on the human potential and development needs or corrective actions as required. (Just as you would review financial status, you need to include human review status).
    7. Build development activities to meet the developmental needs of the people.
    8. Create an open dialogue around the process.

    If you contact me directly, I may be able to email you processes and reasoning behind them that I used in my workplace.