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Training Models and Theories


There are so many theories / models that are used for management, customer service and sales courses. Is there a glossary of them with a brief explanation of each? Otherwise I will have to continue making a note of them as and when I come across them. Any pointers much appreciated!
Nigel Cullingford

One Response

  1. Know what you mean
    Hi there Nigel, hope you’re doing well.

    I’ve come across the type of thing that you’re looking for, unfortunately it isn’t totally comprehensive … but try and get a copy of Fad Surfing In The Boardroom by Eileen or Elaine Shapiro ( my copy is out on loan at the mo or I would have lent it to you, likewise can’t give you the publisher etc ).

    You should be able to find it on Amazon.

    It mainly deals with the management theory side, I can’t ever remember seeing something on customer service, sales, etc. How about we write one if there isn’t one out there already????

    Keep in touch, new e-mail and number 01843 584264 since we last met.

    Talk soon,
