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KPMG staff take up internet challenge


Staff at KPMG's consulting arm are being offered an intensive course in all aspects of the Internet.

Currently, 36% of KPMG's consulting revenues come from e-business, so it makes sense for all those involved (both administrative staff and consultants) to to get'clued up' so that they can understand the issues affecting the clients they are dealing with.

Internet 101 is a 50 hour modular training course, consisting of around 25 online exercises and a final exam.

All students of Internet 101 also learn how to build an e-business by using courseware developed by Cisco Systems, a partner of KPMG.

The course is proving popular - 3,500 KPMG employees signed up for it in the first few days. To keep the content current, KPMG updates Internet 101 every 90 days.

There is some further information about the project and some sample questions from the courses at