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Kiazan information and study


can anyone please help me source information and web material I can download on: Kiazan theories or the Kaizan techniques in team working?

Gary Robert Hosey

3 Responses

  1. I’m making an assumption here……
    I’m making an assumption here……but I think you’re talking about KAIZEN, the Japanese “philosophy” of continuous self-improvement.

    IF that’s the case, I reviewed a book on the subject some six months ago for Next Step magazine. The philosophy concerns constantly reviewing your life (or, in your case, how well the team is performing), &, rather than making radical changes, looking to make small, frequent adjustments.

    I am an avid fan of the theory behind it, and whole heartedly recommended the book in the review.

    It’s called “Kaizen & You” by Igor Popovitch, ISBN: 1852522615
    & is available from They also sell a book called “Kaizen Strategies for Improving Team Performance” by Michael Colenso, although I’ve not read it myself.

    Hope this helps, and that I’m not talking about something TOTALLY UNRELATED to your request!!!!

    Kevin Moore

  2. Kaizen on the Web
    The following sites may prove useful in your search for information / materials about “Kaizen”
    The Kaizen Institute –
    European quality On-line – (useful chatroom)
    Productivity Europe – (also links to productivity press which has many useful books on Kaizen) (useful quality resources site) (teamworking & Kaizen)

    Hope this is of help!