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The IT skills gap hits the news once more


Chairman of the Alliance for Electronic Business, Peter Agar, speaking at the e-business summit in London, said yesterday, "The government is listening to business on the need for a sensible legislative framework to support e-commerce growth in the UK. However, growth will still be held back unless we act quickly to close the IT skills gap."

Mr Agar went on to say, "A good start has been made to improve the long-term supply of IT skills. Government campaigns such as partnerships with key national training organisations are very welcome, but with the industry already estimating a shortfall of 200,000 IT professionals this year, government and business must ask themselves whether they are not doing enough, fast enough."

One Response

  1. Skills gap? Where?
    I’m always hearing about this so-called IT skills gap, but have never found it to actually exist.

    I have what I think are excellent qualifications and experience, but my last job search lasted several months. I responded to nearly fifty “real” adverts, registered with every IT agency I could find, went to Jobsite and Jobserve, applied for countless jobs online – nothing. Not a sausage. My current job was an advert in the paper that got me to apply, online, direct to the company. I got the job, and cancelled my agency searches and online job subscriptions. Nearly six months later, I have started getting phonecalls from several agencies offering me jobs.

    IT skills gap? Don’t think so. If there is one, why is it so hard to find employment? Am I alone in this?