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Does anyone have any information on the history of NVQ’s


Could anyone please e-mail any information they have on the roots of NVQ's and their development.
Alison Lones

3 Responses

  1. History of NVQs
    1986 – gvt. commissioed Review of Vocational Qualifications in England and Wales – reforms proposed included National Framework for vocational qualifications -gvt. set up NCVQ (SCOTVEC in Scotland) to design framework and oversee development of awards. 1995-96 Beaumont Report (very important) recommended changes and improvements- 1997 NCVQ replaced by QCA (NCVQ + SCAA – great fun isn’t it!). 1999 QCA launch a joint initiative with TSC (!) to pool iformation and improve quality of provision. Sites for further iformation: and Various publications available from QCA Publications 01787 884444.

  2. NVQ’s – From Where
    In the mid 1980’s the employment, education , Wales and Scotland combined to establish a revision of vocational qualifications and the National Council for Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) was set up in England and Scotland (SNVQ) to evolve a a national system of competence based vocational qualifications, this included a new framework, database, to be awarded by the main (existing) awarding bodies and the criteria was; The qualifications/training must reflect workbased needs, industries must own & deelop qualifications and employers views was needed. The hierarchy of levels was introduced as the NVQs were established . Other organisations became involved, and individuals such as Professor Charles Handy who was involved in a relaunch & produced (I think) the equivalent of a ‘lead body’ list – therefore it was introduced for economic and educational reasons against a backdrop of the advent of a single europeon market with an awful lot of establishments becoming actively involved.