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Examples of management development strategy


I need to devise and launch a management development strategy and am aware of most of the options open to me. However, I'd like to gain some insight into what other companies are having success with, these days. Is there reference material you could point me to? or any comments to make? I work for a UK based Company, multi-site, financial services, equal mix of new/long in the tooth managers!Intranet is in early stage of development.

Any help would be appreciated/reciprocated

personal E-Mail:

[email protected]
rick martin

One Response

  1. Management Development Strategy
    Hi Rick,
    Our background is the same as yours it appears! Royal & SunAlliance. Our approach to Management Development in a Regulated Environment was very effective, as it satisfied a great deal of the regulatory requirements and didn’t simply result in a tick in the box (groan!). Tel 0117 9248400


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