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Technology Based Training


I'm an experienced trainer, but using traditional methods of training & learning (paper-based, personal tutor contact etc). I want to be able to develop and deliver technology-based training & learning, particularly web-based training. Therefore, where can I go to develop these new skills and add them to my existing repetoire of training & development skills?
Lucy Madahar

6 Responses

  1. Courses about Online Learning
    The University of Southern Queensland (Australia) runs some excellent programs at various tertiary levels, but it also allows entry to subjects without assessment options for those who don’t meet the entrance requirement. See The uni has an excellent reputation and a wide range of options all delivered via Internet.

    Another option is to enrol in the Certificate in Online Teaching at Cerro Coso Community College (US) see:

    The Australian option may prove better because our exchange rate will be favourable to British Isles residents.

    There are many other organisations offering online learning.


  2. The eLearning Network
    The eLearning Network offers six one-day conferences per year on the many and various aspects of TBT. It is primarily a practitioners association and all our members either use, are involved with or personally create this form of learning. If you can’t make it to the conferences there are meetings reports on the members only part of the website.

  3. Training for Technology Based Training
    I have been doing the same research for myself. I have found Learning to Teach Online, although I am still waiting for their response to my query to see if the course is really what I need, so no recommendations yet. The IITT offers some training, although the programme looks geared to running and adminstering the training, rather than designing and developing it. I also found which is geared around their own tool for developing the training, but has some tips on designing the content.
    I’d be happy for an e-mail direct, to continue this discussion.

  4. Multi-media CD-ROM for Trainers
    This problem strikes a chord. We faced this problem 2years ago and decided to design a multi-media programme for business and marketing planning based on the “hard copy” seminars we had delivered for years. THe result is “Marketing for Results”, a CD-ROM based programme for trainers which facilitates presentations and aids credibility. See our web site for a flavour,
    I shall be happy to send you a demonstration CD.
    Graham Christie, Milestones International, St.Andrews.

  5. Virtual Learning Centre Construction Kit
    Originally a publisher of multimedia training courses, we found quite a number of our clients asking a similar question – they had material but wanted a platform in which to integrate it for delivery on a network or via CD-Rom. We produced the Virtual Learning Centre Construction Kit for just this purpose. We are at stand 2142 at HRD this week, or visit to find more info. We’d be happy to send a demo.