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Employee Motivation Data


I am looking for recent data on the most imortant factors which motivate people at work. I have some old data (early 90s), and would like to be signposted to some recent data.
Many Thanks
David Mason

One Response

  1. Employee motivation data
    I’m not quite sure what type of data you require, but the Institute of Employment Studies may serve as a suitable first point of call. Use their search engine at
    and enter the word “motivation”.

    I suppose the biggest impact after 1990 was the work of De Cenzo and Robbins on functional and dysfunctional tension, and possibly the work of Gallie and White following their Employment in Britain study. Though that is a subjective opinion.

    Details are:
    De Cenzo, D. A. and Robbins, S. P. (1994) Human Resource Management John Wiley and Sons, New York.

    Gallie, D. and White, M. (1993) Employment Commitment and the skills revolution;first findings from the Employment in Britain Survey, Policy Studies Institute, London.