Many of my current exercises only tend to work with small groups & I have to train groups of sometimes 20/25/30. I need some ideas that do not take to long to do & aren't too revolutionary (read American!) for delegates. They are sales trainees so any that relate to this field would be particularly useful.
Thank you.
Joanne gordon
![a globe on a stump](
5 Responses
Get them in groups
Many of the exercises designed for smaller groups become great for larger groups when you split the large group up. You don’t have to make it competitive but it often becomes so.
I AM NEW IN THE TRAINING FIELD SO YOU MAY THINK THAT THESE IDEAS ARE NOT SO GOOD. When I have been in training they asked us to find out as much as possible about the person next to you, then each person to introduce eachother. You could choose two discussion points in the subject of sales and split them up into groups and do a presentation.
I’ve four or five really good ones which I use regularly.
One simple one is to ask everyone to introduce themselves, ie: who they are, where they work, how long with the company etc – the only difference is that they are not allowed to say I, I’m, I’ve … its amazing how many people have difficulty with this and it usually gets everyone relaxed and laughing right from the start.
Another is to hand around a toilet roll, ask everyone to take off as many sheets as they feel comfortable with – this usually gets a few giggles, then depending on how many sheets someone has taken this denotes the number of points they have to talk about ie: say some takes five sheets then they have to tell the group five things on the chosen subject.
Bring 5 things with you that represent something about you
A good ice breaker is to ak each individual to bring 5 things in a carrier bag that represent soemthing about them or an aspect of their life that they can describe/explain to the group – ie a dog lead, a rugby ball, a book, a digeridoo – whatever – never fails
Try ‘Alphabet names’
Eighteen years of helping others to learn has given quite a bagful of these.
Be careful what you use if anything, as if it starts to go wrong or feel so within the first few minutes, it may be hard work thereafter.
For this reason use what you feel comfortable with, and don’t be too adventurous with potentially tricky groups.
For big groups I often use ‘Alphabet names’, if you want this I will be happy to send it on.
Good luck.
Andrew Gibbons