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Help! New job: team building


My first assignment is training a group of 10 newcomers in user acceptance tests. I need a team building exercise to last for 15-20 minutes before the session,

any ideas??


Joe O'Mahoney

One Response

  1. Team Building is HARD
    Firstly, your team members should be allocated roles – leader, facilitator, etc. These roles are chosen for them in line with their natural abilities and skills they’re bringing to the project. The team is not a group of people lumped together for no reason other than they all like one another – if so, dissolve it now! Be sure that each member of the team buys into the objective/raison d’etre.

    To have a GREAT TEAM – the following should be borne in mind

    G – Goals – to complete the project in the allocated time and to support one another as individuals and as a team in this
    R – Roles you agree upon depending on the nature of your project
    E – Expectations of each person in the team to be sorted out and communicated at the beginning! Don’t take for granted that everyone knows what everyone else’s expectations are – NOT SO!
    A -Abilities – grammar, focus, language and organisation, implementation and
    maintenance, etc.
    T – Tools – such as internet/mail/literature and one another’s abilities, etc.

