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Cultural Awareness Training Providers


I am hoping to run some Cultural awareness workshops for international managers (mainly European but should include American & Asian awareness) and would like to hear of providers that you can recommend.
Paula McManus

3 Responses

  1. If self recommendation counts!
    Dear Paula
    If self recommendation is OK, then I ask you to contact me at Metis Training & Development on 0161 875 0103.
    This is a subject/area that is very close to the hearts of a number of our associates and I would be delighted to talk with you about your particular needs. We work with a number of associates who work overseas and can approach this subject with differing experiences.
    I look forward to speaking with you in the near future.
    Antony Dyson

  2. 2 Companies To Consider
    We have had success with both Linguarama and International Circles. Contact me if you would like to discuss the objectives of our programmes and the outcomes. 0207 797 3642

  3. company culture – awareness and development
    You definitely need to contact Pauline Crawford at Corporate Heart, 01923 284527.
    Highly recommended.