welcomes contributions. Below are our themes for 2009 along with the deadlines for contributed copy. If you'd like to get involved, please look at our guide to what sort of content we're looking for and contact editors Susie Finch and Claire Savage for more information at
Themes for 2009
Each week, aims to publish an article that fits in with that month's theme. The monthly themes for the year ahead are as follows:
- January: The future of training, learning & development
Deadline for submissions: 15 January - February: Climbing the training career ladder
Deadline for submissions: 15 January - March: Coaching
Deadline for submissions: 16 February - April: Presentations
Deadline for submissions: 16 March - May: Leadership
Deadline for submissions: 15 April - June: Developing creativity and innovation
Deadline for submissions: 15 May - July: Tips, tools and free resources
Deadline for submissions: 15 June - August: How-to guides
Deadline for submissions: 15 July - September: Learning technologies
Deadline for submissions: 17 August - October: Team building
Deadline for submissions: 15 September - November: Mentoring
Deadline for submissions: 15 October - December: Review of the year
Deadline for submissions: 16 November