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What is the perfect environment for learning?


‘If learning is a natural process, why are classrooms so unnatural?’ and ‘What happens if you create a perfect environment for learning?’

Brain in Business and the Sheepdrove Eco Conference Centre in Lambourn, Berkshire are combining their expertise to find an answer to both these questions through a series of workshops.

Stella Collins, Brain in Business co-founder, explains: “Learning is a natural process but the natural methods have become lost amongst formal business and educational training.

“By actively demonstrating brain-friendly principles we create an environment in which people learn faster, more naturally and with the minimum of effort. More importantly, these methods ensure the information is retained better.

“Most modern day venues are cold and uninteresting - students are often bored and tired from the décor, well before the learning starts. ”

As part of the courses Sheepdrove, arguably the world’s greenest training and conference centre, and Brain in Business are creating a welcoming atmosphere to inspire fresh thinking and motivate learners.

Students will experience the latest developments in training methods and facilities; combined with beautiful countryside, tranquility and high quality, organic, brain-friendly food.

The first of the sessions will take place from 7 to 9 October, 2008. Entitled, How to be a Brain Friendly Trainer, the course will help others design and deliver brain-friendly, sustainable learning that produces results.