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How Did I Get Here?Brian Campbell, Innovation Engineer for CREAX


Each week TrainingZONE features a questionnaire completed by one of our members. This week it's the turn of Brian Campbell, Innovation Engineer for CREAX.

Name: Brian Campbell

Position: Innovation Engineer for CREAX

How did you get to your current role? I was trained in TRIZ (Russian acronym for Theory for Inventive Problem Solving) by someone who became a director of CREAX.

What are the best and worst aspects of your role? The best aspects are demonstrating to someone how they can solve their problems more effectively and seeing them put the techniques into practice. The worst aspects are dealing with people who are not prepared to try something new.

What is your most over-used phrase? It is interesting that….

What is your most hated buzzword? Any acronym.

What is the best lesson you have learnt? You only truly understand a subject when you have taught it.

What has been your best career moment so far? There is still time…

What has been your worst training moment? Several times watching delegates dozing off.

What will be the next big thing for training? TRIZ.

If you would like to complete a member questionnaire email the editor Claire Savage at