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New moves to encourage women into IT


New programmes are to be launched to reverse the serious under-representation of women in IT and other high tech jobs.

Involving a partnership of business, education and Government, a new agenda has been developed which aims to address the needs and aspirations of women of all age groups and skills levels. Particular areas include:

- getting more schoolgirls using IT in schools
- helping young women who are making their first career choices more aware of opportunities in IT
- working with business to improve how they recruit and retain women in IT jobs
- offering advice about IT jobs to women who are unemployed, returning to work after a career break or who are looking for a career change

The e-skills NTO is encouraging participation by organisations and individuals, and the intiatives will be presented at a forthcoming conference, "Women in IT". This follows on from last year's "Women in IT - challenging Industry", and will showcase plans developed as a result of that event. As well as gaining publicity, the conference is intended to engage new partners. Participants will:

- see some of the early results of our programmes
- help identify best practice for engaging women in IT
- consider the challenges ahead and how to address them
- help shape the future direction of our programmes

The conference takes place at the DTI conference centre on Wednesday 16 January 2002, and the keynote speaker will be the Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt MP, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry. Attendance is free.