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Useful links for those interested in e-learning standards


AICC – Aviation Industry CBT Committee, initial and commonly referenced standards body AICC

ADL – Advanced Distributed Learning initiative from US Department of Defense, responsible for initiating SCORM model and working with IMS standards ADL

IEEE - Learning Technology Standards Committee – worldwide body for publishing standards relating to e-learning IEEE

IMS – Instructional Management Systems started on 1997 and now covering wide range of standards IMS

SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) – first common content model released in Jan 2000 with ongoing updates. SCORM

LRN – Learning Resource interchange, the Microsoft implementation of IMS Standard Content Packaging Specification LRN

CETIS – Centre for Educational Technology Interoperability Standards - UK consortium based at Bangor University representing UK higher-education and further-education institutions on international learning technology standards initiatives. Useful site to pull together all standards information. CETIS