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IT Makes Work More Interesting


Research released by BT Business has found that technology has made the jobs of the nation's small business workforce more interesting.

Far from being an undesired complication of working life, almost one in two (44%) employees say that IT has made their job more varied than it was ten years ago and 41% of employees say that IT makes their work more interesting.

Technology is also playing a huge part in boosting employee productivity. The survey shows that almost three quarters of employees (69%) and employers (71%) in small businesses across the UK believe that technology enables them to work faster than ever before.

Compared to the working environment of yesterday, technology is pushing them to develop new skills which helps to make their day-to-day roles more stimulating. Access to better business technology for SMEs is rapidly developing and impacting upon changes and variations in job roles and skills required. Half (50%) of employees questioned that had been in their present role for ten years or more agreed that they had had to develop new skills in recent years.

Colin Mattey, Director IT Manager, BT Business, said: “On average, owner managers spend £17,000 a year on their IT and communications. Investment in technology is essential to enable long-term business growth, as well as ensuring tangible benefits for staff. Technology should be there to support staff; they should be managing it, not the other way around. Getting sound, trusted advice on how best to use your IT could help a small businesses to change its working practices and maximise the productivity of its staff.”