From a UfI press release:
Ufi has been thrilled by the widespread and positive response it has had to its call for consortia to run Ufi Learning Centres.
A wide cross section of public and private sector providers have expressed an interest in running the Centres which will start to come on stream from the autumn. Ufi has received 199 proposals covering England and Wales, many containing innovative and imaginative ideas, with Ufi Learning Centres proposed in football clubs and farms, funfairs, companies large and small, sports centres, pubs, cybercafes, health living centres, supermarkets and shopping centres.
"Ufi is absolutely delighted with this enthusiastic response. The range of employers and organisations who have expressed interest will ensure Ufi Learning Centres reach new learners in innovative ways," said Dr Anne Wright, Chief Executive of Ufi. "We aim now to speak with all potential hubs. We want to build on the excitement and commitment shown by prospective partners."
Many companies who have expressed interest in running Ufi Learning Centre Hubs, specific sector proposals include brewing, printing, agriculture, tourism, automotive, construction, trade unions, the voluntary sector, and the NHS.
Details about where the first Learning Centres will be located will be announced later in the year as will Ufi's brand name.
Further information on Ufi Learning Centres can be found at