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Dear diary: The adventures of a training director


Job interviews with someone who's not looking for a job? A four hour break for a fire alarm in the midst of an elearning launch? Must be the adventures of a training director...

Dear diaryI guess this starts with 'That was the Week That Was' - what a week. I am very conscious that this is only my second entry and everything sounds disastrous - so lets talk about some good stuff first.

We launched our first elearning programme this week - an entire programme running through elearning - wow - the purists are probably tutting but hey, support is built into the programme and it has been approved by a number of illustrious bodies (and some perhaps not so). The induction went really well and the learners were really into it – well, until the last 10 minutes, when the fire alarm went off (it went off the day before so we thought we would be safe). Four hours later we were allowed to go back in and get our equipment and dry off - it was raining - a long day to finish the week off...

Well at least the week ended the way it started - with another long day - I had to drive up north to Sheffield. Not a bad journey up - three or so hours - very pleased. My sat nav was working really well until I got into the Sheffield Triangle (remember the Bermuda Triangle?). Three quarters of an hour to find my hotel! Not only that but when I did find it the receptionist told me I had'nt got a room booked despite the evidence provided by my trusty Crackberry (I'm not addicted, just slightly dependent, can give it up anytime). Anyway, 20 minutes later I had a brainwave:

"Do you have a booking under the name of (insert female name here)?"
"Yes sir!"
"Oh that's me!"
"How do we know that sir?"
I'm not kidding - I had just shown the receptionist the email sent with aforementioned female's name on it! Sheffield - love it!

Just a quick update on the recruitment process - I am seeing a couple of trainee trainers next week and none of them are conductors! Of the highly experienced consultants -I saw two - one was more than capable, but exciting, energising or exhilarating? Um, no... The other came in and told me he was not looking for a job (despite the usual screening and discussions at telephone interview) but wanted to expand his (my) network and take away some tips on how to build a robust successful business...

Finally, how many more cash generating wheezes can the government come up with? I have just seen the assessment charges for the LSC's New Standard and I am staggered - over £5,000 - to accredit our organisation to deliver Train to Gain. Add the fees required/desired by the SSCs Academies and small providers will be digging deep.

Anyway, I've two days off now - providing I leave my phone on and can get into the office if required. I'm sure my partner will be very pleased...

This is Mork - signing off

Last weeks diary entry