I am researching/designing a 5-day bootcamp for entrepreneurs, managers and professionals, and am looking for additional ideas, books, resources, etc. The primary focus of the camp is:
- understanding the brain as pre-eminent information processor, perpetual idea generator & strategy making machine;
- developing perceptual sensitivity to the changing environment;
- developing mindfulness & opportunity sensing capabilities to people, things, events, ideas, etc.;
- developing long-term strategic exploration and envisioning skills;
- developing change-readiness and continuous self-directed learning;
Currently, I have only the following known key published resources (specifically with a change-directed, future-focussed orientation)to tap upon:
- CPS & Opportunity Finding by Couger;
- Opportunities by de Bono;
- Opportunity Spotting by MacLennan;
- Innovation Formula by Robert;
- Future Edge by Barker;
- Wide Ange Vision, by Burkan;
- Developing Strategic Thought, by Garratt;
- Mindfulness by Langer;
- Choosing the Future by Wells;
- Preferred Futuring by Lippitt;
- Handbook of Strategic Prospective by Godet;
- The Living Company, by de Geus;
- Future Focussed Organisation, by Burton;
Are there any other resources of any form (old, new or out of print, mainstream or fringe) in the field of "opportunity discovery" and "strategic exploration" which I may not be aware of? I welcome any ideas, suggestions and feedback from members.
Say Keng Lee