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Parkin Space: Beware the Corporate Pandemic


Godfrey ParkinThe corporate pandemics threatening a trainer’s livelihood and sanity in 2006 have little to do with migrating birds and everything to do with the movement of information. Godfrey Parkin diagnoses the diseases threatening to hit in 2006 and what the likes of ulteriorsclerosis and mailanoma will mean for you.

Since I failed to make any progress on many of my resolutions this year, I’m keeping those for 2006 very close to my chest. But, inspired by a battery of recent medical check-ups and the current buzz about pandemic preparedness, here are my predictions for six emerging corporate pandemics that trainers will have to deal with in 2006:

1) Ulteriorsclerosis: The clogging of an important initiative by personnel or policies, for spurious reasons that mask more pernicious ulterior motives. Widespread ulteriorsclerosis will lead to the demise of several organisations in 2006. The disease, once it takes hold and starts to spread, can only be cured by surgical OD interventions. It manifests itself in the right projects not being approved, or not moving forward, for apparently good reasons that, with persistent investigation, turn out to be fatuous. Ulteriorsclerosis is typically artificially induced by the idle, the desperate, or the power hungry, and can be career threatening to diagnose.

2) Nearly Ubiquitous Wireless Mobile Informal Learning Syndrome (NUWMILS): The propensity to instantly learn only what one needs to learn in order to perform, when and where the performance is required. Also referred to as Schizogooglia, it will evolve in cultures where networked knowledge links of known quality and reliability become so intuitively accessible that it will be like having multiple brains in your head. Sporadic outbreaks have been occurring with increasing frequency, and now seem set to attain pandemic status in 2006. Once it loses its stigma and is accepted as a blessing rather than a curse, NUWMILS will be renamed “ambient learning” and at least three gurus will claim to have invented the term.

3) Mailanoma: The unrestrained metastasizing of productivity-sapping email, texting, and instant messaging, leading to complete breakdown of one’s ability to communicate. While much of this has been from externally inflicted spam, as 2006 progresses there will be increasing volumes of malignant messaging that are internally generated through quite unnecessary cc-ing, bcc-ing, and e-messaging of people sitting whispering distance apart. As communication is the life-blood of organisations, malfunctioning of the system can cause a serious breakdown in performance – and in the ability of training to have an impact.

4) Infobesity: The deleterious effect of excessive data consumption on the fitness and agility of individual and corporate minds. With the volume of new data being produced doubling every three days (vs. every three decades a few generations ago), Infobesity will become dramatically debilitating, though it will stimulate the growth of technology filtering tools. Those who master infofiltering will jog confidently through the fog, while those who don’t will keep staggering into lampposts. Employees and teams with calcified knowledge filtering modes will become alienated and resentful, unable to compete, and decreasingly productive. Fortunately for them, they make up most of upper and middle management, and still dominate the shareholders of most large companies. So they will hold onto legacy processes and implement new glass ceilings to keep info-savvy juniors from gaining power (often by inducing ulteriorsclerosis in the relevant area). Unfortunately for their companies, the info-savvy are well networked, and will job hop into smaller, more fluid entities that will collaboratively run competitive rings around the big corporations.

5) Organisational Incontinence: The involuntary leaking of things you’d rather not have others see. As the networked world brings on premature aging in organisations, they will start to leak at increasingly alarming rates. They will leak knowledge (IP Incontinence) as their walls become porous and their employees network outside of the company to gain the insights they need to get things done. They will leak processes, as much that used to be done in-house becomes outsourced. They will leak secrets, as staff start to blog and podcast without the censoring filter of corporate communications. And they will suffer from increasing motivational incontinence as employees finally lose all sense of belonging to a cohesive caring organisational family. This in turn will lead to the leaking of valuable employees. Organisational Incontinence, in all its forms, may require a significant rethink of the role of learning services, and its repositioning as an aid to the enhancement of an individual’s market value.

6) Learning Impact Myopia: The failure to expect or demand that learning initiatives have lasting effects. Like most other things in corporate life, training activities will be evaluated more and more on what effect they have on each quarter’s financial results, rendering longer term impacts irrelevant, and in turn making the development of long-term programs pointless. When trainers struggle to develop interventions that have lasting impact, they will be told that such esoteric stuff simply does not matter, and will be pressured into providing instant gratification to the bean counters.

Learning Impact Myopia and Schizogooglia both seek faster short-term solutions to the expertise problems, but for different reasons. Trainers will have to selectively succumb, while still fighting for some strategic impact.

After all, the future will be a dangerous place if you relinquish control of your integrity to the organisational pandemics.

May your 2006 be filled with health, wealth, and happiness!

Godfrey ParkinThe corporate pandemics threatening a trainer's livelihood and sanity in 2006 have little to do with migrating birds and everything to do with the movement of information. Godfrey Parkin diagnoses the diseases threatening to hit in 2006 and what the likes of ulteriorsclerosis and mailanoma will mean for you.

Since I failed to make any progress on many of my resolutions this year, I’m keeping those for 2006 very close to my chest. But, inspired by a battery of recent medical check-ups and the current buzz about pandemic preparedness, here are my predictions for six emerging corporate pandemics that trainers will have to deal with in 2006:

1) Ulteriorsclerosis: The clogging of an important initiative by personnel or policies, for spurious reasons that mask more pernicious ulterior motives. Widespread ulteriorsclerosis will lead to the demise of several organisations in 2006. The disease, once it takes hold and starts to spread, can only be cured by surgical OD interventions. It manifests itself in the right projects not being approved, or not moving forward, for apparently good reasons that, with persistent investigation, turn out to be fatuous. Ulteriorsclerosis is typically artificially induced by the idle, the desperate, or the power hungry, and can be career threatening to diagnose.

2) Nearly Ubiquitous Wireless Mobile Informal Learning Syndrome (NUWMILS): The propensity to instantly learn only what one needs to learn in order to perform, when and where the performance is required. Also referred to as Schizogooglia, it will evolve in cultures where networked knowledge links of known quality and reliability become so intuitively accessible that it will be like having multiple brains in your head. Sporadic outbreaks have been occurring with increasing frequency, and now seem set to attain pandemic status in 2006. Once it loses its stigma and is accepted as a blessing rather than a curse, NUWMILS will be renamed “ambient learning” and at least three gurus will claim to have invented the term.

3) Mailanoma: The unrestrained metastasizing of productivity-sapping email, texting, and instant messaging, leading to complete breakdown of one’s ability to communicate. While much of this has been from externally inflicted spam, as 2006 progresses there will be increasing volumes of malignant messaging that are internally generated through quite unnecessary cc-ing, bcc-ing, and e-messaging of people sitting whispering distance apart. As communication is the life-blood of organisations, malfunctioning of the system can cause a serious breakdown in performance – and in the ability of training to have an impact.

4) Infobesity: The deleterious effect of excessive data consumption on the fitness and agility of individual and corporate minds. With the volume of new data being produced doubling every three days (vs. every three decades a few generations ago), Infobesity will become dramatically debilitating, though it will stimulate the growth of technology filtering tools. Those who master infofiltering will jog confidently through the fog, while those who don’t will keep staggering into lampposts. Employees and teams with calcified knowledge filtering modes will become alienated and resentful, unable to compete, and decreasingly productive. Fortunately for them, they make up most of upper and middle management, and still dominate the shareholders of most large companies. So they will hold onto legacy processes and implement new glass ceilings to keep info-savvy juniors from gaining power (often by inducing ulteriorsclerosis in the relevant area). Unfortunately for their companies, the info-savvy are well networked, and will job hop into smaller, more fluid entities that will collaboratively run competitive rings around the big corporations.

5) Organisational Incontinence: The involuntary leaking of things you’d rather not have others see. As the networked world brings on premature aging in organisations, they will start to leak at increasingly alarming rates. They will leak knowledge (IP Incontinence) as their walls become porous and their employees network outside of the company to gain the insights they need to get things done. They will leak processes, as much that used to be done in-house becomes outsourced. They will leak secrets, as staff start to blog and podcast without the censoring filter of corporate communications. And they will suffer from increasing motivational incontinence as employees finally lose all sense of belonging to a cohesive caring organisational family. This in turn will lead to the leaking of valuable employees. Organisational Incontinence, in all its forms, may require a significant rethink of the role of learning services, and its repositioning as an aid to the enhancement of an individual’s market value.

6) Learning Impact Myopia: The failure to expect or demand that learning initiatives have lasting effects. Like most other things in corporate life, training activities will be evaluated more and more on what effect they have on each quarter’s financial results, rendering longer term impacts irrelevant, and in turn making the development of long-term programs pointless. When trainers struggle to develop interventions that have lasting impact, they will be told that such esoteric stuff simply does not matter, and will be pressured into providing instant gratification to the bean counters.

Learning Impact Myopia and Schizogooglia both seek faster short-term solutions to the expertise problems, but for different reasons. Trainers will have to selectively succumb, while still fighting for some strategic impact.

After all, the future will be a dangerous place if you relinquish control of your integrity to the organisational pandemics.

May your 2006 be filled with health, wealth, and happiness!