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Trainer’s Tip: What’s My Motivation?


Following help from the community having posted her own Any Answers question, Lucy Sleigh shares the tips she received on how to motivate sales people.

  • Every time someone says no I’m another step nearer to someone who says ‘yes’.
  • When someone says ‘no’ they are saying ‘yes’ to something else – generate curiosity as to what that might be – people could even ask the customers, which might make the call more productive.
  • Play on the ‘numbers game’ and also generate an element of fun or pleasure in the ‘nos'?
  • Count up the ‘yeses’ to ‘nos' and have competitions to find out who gets the best rate – and then share their learning as to what’s worked for them this week.
  • Have fiendish (but fun) competitions as to who’s had the worst ‘no’ all week – the rudest or fastest or loudest. It could be something different each week and there would definitely be prizes awarded.
  • Put up colourful flags when people get a ‘yes’ so that there is a strong visual reminder. You could incorporate other sensory reminders – bad smells for ‘no’, good smells for ‘yes’ perhaps (perhaps not).
  • Take time to log all successes and put them somewhere nice and visible.
  • Have a look at this site which might help with understanding what motivates people Once you understand people’s motivational styles you can design incentives that play to them.

    View the original posting:

    Ideas to motivate sales staff

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