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New Website Helps Support Dyslexic Employees


A website has been launched which aims to help the three million dyslexic people in the UK workforce.

The website,, points to new consultancy and training services to help both employers and dyslexic employees. It also includes practical steps to help dyslexic employees, as well as information about assistive technologies and gives users advice on conforming to the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).

Despite dyslexia being covered by the DDA, many employers are unsure about how they can best provide reasonable adjustments to support this disability.

Ian Litterick, executive chairman at software providers iansyst Ltd, said: "Inconsistent spelling, poor time keeping and a disorganised workspace are examples of how dyslexia can show itself in the workplace. If HR professionals and managers are not aware of the disability, this can be mistaken for sloppy workmanship."

He added: "Insight, lateral thinking, strong leadership and creative problem-solving characterise many dyslexic people, who become great assets to organisations which recognise their strengths and support their difficulties."

Dyslexia is a neurological condition affecting around 10 per cent of the population to some degree, with around 4 per cent being affected severely. Common problems can include difficulties with processing printed text, spelling and writing, understanding directions, working with numbers, scheduling work and meetings and keeping track of appointments.

Iansyst is hosting a dyslexia awareness seminar on 24 January 2008 in London. For more information, please call 01223 420101 or visit